Home Betta Care and Maintenance

Betta Care and Maintenance

Breeding betta fish it is not that hard, it is rather vigurous fish, but you must keep in mind some important aspects, if you want to have happy, colourful bettas in your tank.


Food determine the betta fish coloration, growth, health, and overall wellbeing of the a healthy betta. Commercial Food like good quality flake and pallet are recommended for beginners as live foods often brings diseases if not taken proper care.


This plays an important part in maintaining bettas properly. Since these fish come from tropical climes, they should be given the warmth they require. The minimum temperature should be 76°F. below this, the betta is sluggish. Often his color are dull. His spirit wanes and so does his appetite and lassitude leaves him open to hostile attack from other species.

Normal maximum temperature should be below 81°F. much higher temperature can withstood if necessary. Breeding temperature should be between 80 and 85°F.

Water condition

The water condition needed to maintain a betta is far less rigid than that required for many other species. The pH or acidity/alkalinity level varies according to locale. The same is true of the hardness or softness of the water. This is often measured as the “DH” content – German degrees of hardness.

The optimum conditions for the betta’s maintenance and breeding are found in water with a pH of 6.8 – 7.4, and a DH of from 3 – 10. However, he is quick to accept things as they come. He will learn to acclimate to other (if not too extreme) conditions.

It goes without saying that the water should be clear and sweet, and that all vestiges of uneaten or decaying organic matter should be removed. If this is neglected, a general decline and eventually disease can be expected.

Confining a betta in small jar or allowing it to move freely about in an aquarium is a matter of individual preference. The betta could not care less. Some owners prefer to purchase the small, plastic traps mentioned earlier. These usually are hung in an upper corner of the aquarium. One or two separated bettas do quite well in this manner.

Those who can maintain bettas in individual glass jars, preferably of a quart or more in size, have the decided advantage of easy cleaning and feeding. In fact, if bettas are bred in captivity, there is no alternative.